Friday, February 18, 2011

Let it Rain

Yesterday, the roofers fixed our roof!
 Well, they think they did. If it still leaks, he will fix it again.(he swears)
 It has leaked for years now. In the same spots.
Inheriting this house has been a money pit.
I did sleep better, and I prayed for rain.
 It has not rained for over 100 days( we had that dusting of snow during the deep freeze)but it really hasn't rained.   Since that is what I was praying for
I felt favored by God.
Now, I am ready, so let it fly Lord.

My backyard dirt is powder.
We have 49 thirsty trees
and a garden in my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely can understand that having recently spent a mint and currently planning the next mint to go out.

    Ah well.

    Rain would be so welcome. I hope you get some.
