Friday, February 4, 2011

Hot Soapy Water

      I have always felt that I was special because I am an American.  I am born on the 4th of July, I don't know if that means anything at all, but I am very patriotic.
       I have always felt thankful that I am free, and that I have hot, running as long as I want, really hot, clean water.  I stand under the hot spray of water and say, "thank-you lord for this hot, clean water. It feels so good."
      I have always loved my bath and shower times, no matter where I happen to be. Some of my best times had been in the tub........I can dehydrate my self like a shrimp boil within an hour.
      I took a thank-you lord shower today.  It has been 4 days since Justin or I either one has showered.  wooo hoooo hooo hooo!  The water came back on about 2:30 pm.  I kinda scared me when it started running. There were lots of strange gurgles and stuff.
       The temperature got up to 38. It is supposed to get really cold again next week, but we will be prepared for it. Or we better be. This has not been fun, no water.
      I put all the dirty dishes in a trash bag and then in an ice chest and Justin was supposed to take it outside because it smells REALLY BAD,but he forgot so the kitchen smells horrible.  The drain is gross.  It froze too.
    I miss my dish washer.    
     It made me think about a poem  I wrote several years ago for my Mom  about doing dishes so I thought I would share:

I walk into the kitchen and what do I see?
A pile of dirty dishes staring straight at me.
They never disappear unless under my hand.
For hours and hours in the same place I stand.
So after its done and from the kitchen I todder,
Thank God I love, Hot Soapy Water

 My Mom has done a lot of dishes. I tried to always help her.
      I didn't get to talk to her or Dad today.  I called them several times, but they didn't answer.  Mom broke her left arm in 3 places on December 22.  My Mom is the toughest little woman in the world. I mean she is tough.
        Its hard to believe they have lived in the nursing home for a year now.
        Mom thinks she just got there.  The fall reminds her of the fall that originally put her in the hospital a year  and a half ago.  Some days she is ok, others she is not mentally all there.
       I feel like I let go of her alittle at a time.
       I miss talking to my real mom.  The smart mom.  The silly mom.  The young mom.     The healthy mom.  My mom.
  So it goes.
      Mom always taught me to count my blessings, and once you really start counting, they are too numerous to count, so you realize how blessed you really are. Remember, it could ALWAYS be worse.  Mom was right about that.
   After my lovely shower, I didn't want to get dirty cleaning up the kitchen, so I didn't.  I started playing with my toys and like Verdell, I became content and happy.  I drummed for a while and then worked on my sewing project.  I have gotten in to quilting, even tho I have done NO quilting, I have been sewing some crap and its working me up to sewing some cool clothes for my self.   I want to make some curtains for my room and make Verdell a back-pack thing to carry stuff on his back.  I bet he would love it.
     I tried also to email our Christmas song to my friend Ron.  We recorded it a few years ago, and the file types are old and not compatable and  I have had trouble getting the thing right. I haven't heard from him, but that doesn't mean a thing.
     I am going to record it again. Just guitar and vocals.
     Sandra called this am. We are excited about doing the singer/songwriter night on Thursday nite.  She says she has been practicing.   We need to practice together to get a set down.  I have about 7 originals I could do. Justin has probably about 10.  I am trying to get our music room set up again.......I 've been wanting to blast my bass..........
I've been grooving to Rusted Root..........they have some toys......oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah.

Jill McCasland


1 comment:

  1. The plate that hangs in my mom's kitchen says

    Thank God for dirty dishes;
    They have a tale to tell.
    While others may go hungry,
    We're eating very well
    With home, health, and happiness,
    I shouldn't want to fuss;
    By the stack of evidence,
    God's been very good to us.

    How cool.

    Hope your water doesn't freeze again.
