Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More Scorpion Karma

Pay backs are hell in this desert.
I knew better than torment that damn creature.
I had ANOTHER live scorpion in the sink today.
I even stuck my hand in and was just lucky enough to not get bit.
I can't stand them....
The one in the window was only about 3 feet from my bed.
I am having the creeps


Today at the barn, I looked down and there were a BUNCH of big black ants.  I am highly allergic to them.  I can't stand to poison anything,  but I may have to kill this ant bed.  They were everywhere.
I wonder if my chickens would eat them...??
There was a baby bird in the chicken pen today.
I expected the girls to kill it promply, since they were so mean to Jane,
but they seem to let it be and even shared water and food and I didn't see any aggression at all.
It was another windy day,
another great sunset.


Sunset moon above

There are some thunderstorms in the area.
none near me so far....
damn it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like scorpions either. I used to have them when I lived out near Tom.

    We have rain. Twice in a week. Wish you had some too.
