Mom turned 84 years old on the 24th of October!
woo hoo
woo hoo
As you can plainly see,
she HATES to have her picture taken.
I had to do it.
Her HD biker shades are a new, favorite accessory.
They are a gift from her neighbor across the street (aka the hall).
Never mind that Mom wears RX glasses, and has a good pair in her drawer.
"Ms. Hollywood."
She has been insistent since Dads big party, that she did not want a party like that.
"Its just too much"
Mom doesn't want to make a fuss, especially a fuss over her.
Of course, we could not let her 84th birthday go un-noticed.
I spread the word to all the fam that we could all just go by and spend some
one on one time with her and Dad, and not try to do a "group" thingy.
Its too much stimulation for her if 50 + people try to talk to her.
It worked out great and she had a steady stream of visitors for days.
It wore her out any way, but she loved it.
W & C flew in to be with her, and we all had a blast.
Chico - my love.
Chico has more frequent flyer miles
than anyone in the family.
For real.
T stayed at home and we all missed her very, very much.
We had cake and ice cream at the October Group party in the activity room.
We spent 3 full days with Mom and Dad.
It was great and Chico remembered where their room was.
He loves to run down the hall.
All the old people want to touch him.
It depends on his mood, if they get to, or not.
Verdell was so happy to see W & C.
We took Mom fresh flowers and ate Red Velvet Cake.
The cake was so good!
She enjoys the fresh flowers, and dries the ones she can.
She has an empty kleenex box full of her dried potpourri made fresh in the nursing home from previous flower gifts.
She has a "knack" for that.
Housekeeping threw away almost all of her 'dried flowers' once,
thinking they are just dead, dried up flowers.
No, not here.
They are a work in progress.
Mom is still creative.
This is a tile mosaic Mom made in the 60's and it is still behind the stove.
Overall, Moms birthday went very well.
I know she enjoyed her time with W & C.
W and J and I went to the High School football game on Friday nite.
Mom has been wanting to go because her Great-Grandson is the star Quarterback.
He is a Senior this year.
When it came right down to her going,
she didn't,
she is always too tired,
and it is just so stressful to travel
and get out of her comfort zone.
I think just knowing she could go is a good feeling for her.
She is the one who decides to go or not.
She decided not to go "this time".
We won the football game and we had a good time.
W got to see several of his cousins and other members of the "fam".
Its always nice to chew on a few family bones.
One of Tyler's touchdowns!
The Cardinals are undefeated and are District Champions.
1st undefeated season since 1958.
Thats the year I was born!
Holy cow.
The play-offs will start soon.
I know it will be exciting!
W and I worked at the townhouse, hauling off trash to the junk-yard.
It was very dusty, and we couldn't get the dust out of the truck.
We made 2 loads and it helped me alot.
The little house is almost ready to rent.
We found that someone had turned the water on at the meter,
and you could tell it had run for quite a while under the house. The plumbing is not finished and there are open water lines.
It is still a mystery bone. It could have caused a lot of damage.
It soaked the wall in the utility room!
W took me out to eat and then we went out to see M and the Big Guy.
We visited for a while and it was really nice.
We played with a real lazer and looked thru the telescope.
We saw Jupiter's moons.
We always have fun!
Flower growing by the curb in Lovington.
All too soon it was time for W & C to go home.
It was so nice having the new airport open.
It is only about 20 minutes from the house instead of driving an hour and 10 minutes to Midland.
I couldn't leave until I watched them fly away.
Thats them just lifting off the runway.
The holidays are coming, and W &T&C will not be coming home this year.
J and I will probably spend our time with M& D, and I have encouraged
J to go see his Mom and family in Las Cruces.
I always look forward to the next time
and I
get to see eachother.
I hope it will be soon.
I am so blessed to have a son
that takes his time and money to come all this way to see us.
Thanks babe.
Once again,
I have all the love,
all the bones
and alot of great toys.
and you have them - the love, bones and toys - because you deserve them.. love you so much. Can you send me Uncle Will's and Aunt Dot's address so I can send a Christmas card to them? love you