Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Traveling Bones

I made my trek to Virginia!
It was a good day
except for the
" coughing girl"
sitting right behind me on the plane.
Every few minutes....
hack hack hack.
I felt like Adrian Monk.
It was bothering me greatly.
What are you gonna do but get uncomfortable.
uncomfortable bone

I was so happy to see W and we went and ate lunch at a cool place called
The Great American Resturant.
(T was at work and Chico was at home waiting patiently for me.)
We ate crab fritters, and I swear, it was the best thing I have ever eaten in my life.
The sauce and crab was just undescribable.
I have no words but 
happy happy bone!
I wish I would have taken a picture to show you.
They looked wild with this angel hair pasta fried around the crab cake.
It looked like Rumpelstilskins angry hair wig in the Shrek movie! 
We got to the house and Chico
was so excited to see me
he peed on me.
Not to cause a panic, he only weighs 4 lbs.
 He is tiny.
His pee is tiny.
I thought it was just fine, and his way of showing his affection for me.
Verdell will pee on me when I get home, because he will be so happy to see me,
and I will be happy too, but I have to kinda dodge Verdells affection,
 if ya know what I mean.
T came home and fixed us a great dinner.
She is so awesome.
I could not be happier for her and W.
They make a wonderful family, and I know someday it will 
but for now we have each other and 

 Chico Ramsis

We didn't stay up too late, we were all tired.
We did play a-little Lady GaGa on the keyboard.
It was fun.  I love to play the piano.
Heck, I love to play everything.

Chico slept with me.
It was a good night.


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