Holy Cow!
It just kept on coming down.
It was great.
Verdell loved it.
Hoppy got cold pretty fast.
Wolfy with an ice beard!
Full moon morning
Can you find Verdell?
More playing!
All the dogs seemed to enjoy the snow.
Even Porsha and Sha-Marie
ran and played and didn't seem to mind the cold.
We were babysitting
two dogs for my friend Cathe,
and they too ran and played in the snow.
This is Jody.
This is Allie.
They were very nice guests.
We kept them from Dec. 10th, until Dec.30.
It was a long haul,
but they were really no trouble.
They minded pretty well,
except for one time.
Allie got on the trail of something,
and took off.
I almost didn't catch her.
I thought she was going to crawl thru the barbed-wire fence
and get on the highway.
Lord have mercy.
She is fat,
but she was pretty fast
and it was quite a little work out for me to try and catch her.
I don't know what she was after.
I don't' think she knew either.
It didn't take
Jody and Allie
long to find the
"chicken dirt".
This is a pile of dirt
that Justin dug out
of the chicken pen for me.
After months and months of dumping
Debbies Kountry Kitchen
scraps on the ground in the chicken pen,
it was starting to smell like a compost.
Especially after all the snow.
The girls
(my 7 hens)
have been very spoiled
to eating fresh food everyday.
I had to stop bringing it to them for a while
so the ground could dry out.
They reluctantly started eating the
grain and crumbles we buy for them.
J dumped the chicken dirt out in the pasture,
over by the old wagon,
kinda down in a low spot.
I knew it was going to be an issue as soon as he dumped the first wheelbarrow full.
As soon as she could,
started eating the dirt.
It didn't take long
before all the dogs that could get to the pile,
got there
and starting eating the damn dirt.
I worried and fretted that it would make them sick,
and J said
"it never made the chickens sick-."
What a thought.
True so true.
As far as I know, it has not made anyone sick.
They have all eaten a lot of dirt.
Porsha makes a bee-line for it every chance she gets.
Allie and Jody ate their fair share.
I think Allie and Jody enjoyed their stay.
Cathe picked them up
around 4 o'clock,
and I got really sick
by about 6 o'clock.
I ended up being very sick with a virus for about 10 days.
I still feel kinda weak and poop out fast.
I went to the Dr. and she said it just hangs on,
and knocks the soup out of you.
I have no soup left.
Man, I felt horrible.
These are close ups of ice crystals on the chicken wire.
(I wish I would have used my flash....it was in the shade)
I thought is was
pipe fence
It was amazing to see the crystals.
The temperature was just right.
We had 2 different snow storms
within about 2 weeks of each other.
It snowed Christmas Eve
and we had a very white Christmas.
The total snow for both storms was 25 inches +.
For us here in this desert,
that is a lot of snow.
Snow is not all that uncommon,
but that amount is.
Having gone so long with NO precipitation at all,
it is much needed and well accepted.
Happy Snow Bones!